Core Leadership Principles
What is Academic Leadership?
The program begins with the premise that “Academic Leadership is the act of empowering members of the faculty and staff by working with them collegially to achieve common goals, build a community of scholars, and sustain a high level of morale.” (Gmelch & Buller, Building Academic Leadership Capacity: A Guide to Best Practices)
What principles of leadership will I learn?
We draw upon the five practices of exemplary leadership from Leadership in Higher Education: Practices That Make a Difference. These research-based practices were first published in The Leadership Challenge, but have been applied to the specific context of higher education.
“Leadership in Higher Education: Practices That Make a Difference” (Kouzes & Posner, 2019)Topics
- Academic culture & leadership roles
- Responsibilities, expectations, leadership competencies
- Faculty rights and responsibilities
- Legal responsibilities for Chairs, Assoc Chair/Deans, Grad Coord
- Recruiting, launching, mentoring, and retaining faculty
- P&T process: roles, resources, responsibilities
- Student Support
- Academic Advising
- Student Concerns, Grievances
- Recruitment and Retention
- Curriculum and Program Development
- Course scheduling, strategic enrollment management