The programs form contains all of the undergraduate and graduate programs and their requirements for editing. Use the program form to create new or edit existing programs and submit those proposals for approval.
A degree is a program which is made up of a course of study or curriculum. There are several distinct degrees depending upon time and orientation of the course work: certificate, associate, baccalaureate, masters, and doctorate.
Finding, Viewing, and Editing Academic Programs
Find Programs

Search for an existing program that you want to make changes to or create a new program. See Filtered Search for more details.
Viewing a Program Record
Record Banner

The program title is displayed in the record banner. You can tell visually by the color of the banner what the status is for the record. If a future version of the program has been approved you can toggle to view it using the arrows next to the term. See Record Statuses and Proposal Statuses for more details.
Program Information
Impact Report
Learning Outcomes
Proposal Details