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The Emphasis form contains the university’s emphases and options. Use the emphasis form to create new or edit existing emphasis and options and submit those proposals for approval.

An emphasis is an alternative within a major, that is secondary and supports or is adjunct to the major. Normally accounts for 20 to 40 percent of the major requirements.

An option is an alternative within a major that is secondary, and supports or is adjunct to the major course work. Normally accounts for 50 percent of the major requirements.

Find And View Emphasis

Find Emphasis

screenshot of kuali curriculum management main page

Search for an existing emphasis that you want to make changes to or create a new emphasis. See Filtered Search for more details.

Viewing a Emphasis Record

Record Banner

The emphasis title is displayed in the record banner. You can tell visually by the color of the banner what the status is for the record. If a future version of the emphasis has been approved you can toggle to view it using the arrows next to the term. See Record Statuses and Proposal Statuses for more details.

Emphasis Information

screenshot of physics bs, biophysics emphasis with "access the parent program with these two links" highlighted

Field Description
Effective Term* Semester the change will take effect.
Status Active, Retire, or Inactive
Title* The official title of the emphasis with no abbreviations.
Parent Program The program that the emphasis is associated with.
Department* Academic unit that oversees the emphasis.
College* College that houses the program offering the emphasis.
Emphasis Level* Undergraduate or Graduate
Concentration Select emphasis or option.
screenshot of requirements, emphasis requirements and dependencies, all are empty


Field Description
Emphasis Requirements Requirements needed to completed the emphasis.

Impact Report

Field Description
Dependencies Affected departments that list the course in a degree requirements table or as a course requisite.
Affected Department(s)* Enter the departments listed in the Dependencies sections here in order to notify them during the approval workflow process.
Screenshot of proposal details

Proposal Details

Field Description
Justification for Change* Rationales for changes must be as clear and specific as possible.
1) If proposed change is to create, add, or change a course description, describe how the change aligns with program curriculum map, affects student learning outcome(s), and progression through the program.
2) If proposed change is to delete, describe how the change impacts program curriculum map, affects student learning outcome(s), and progression through the program.
3) If appropriate, describe what is happening in terms of accreditation, workload issues, etc.
Associated Curriculum Changes* Is the proposed change a part of a larger set of associated curriculum changes? If yes, clearly describe how this proposed change relates to the other associated curriculum changes.
Student Impact* Does the proposed change affect student learning outcomes or progression through the program?
Departmental Resources* If this change is the creation of a new emphasis, how are departmental resources of faculty time and effort being reallocated, or what is the source of new resources being used, to provide the attention and workload needed to support this new emphasis?
Other Resources* If this change is the creation of a new emphasis, are there other resources (e.g., additional or specialized advising) needed in addition to faculty time and efforts identified above to support this new emphasis?
Projected Enrollment* Please provide anticipated enrollment and the basis or rationale for such projection.
Resources Required* Include any non-curricular resources required to implement the proposed changes. Examples of resources that might be required:
1) Instructional capacity (full-time or part-time).
2) If new courses or sections will be added, who will teach them?
3) Classroom/lab space – will this change require additional classroom space?
4) Equipment/Supplies
Committee Comments Field used by the committee.

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