The Emphasis form contains the university’s emphases and options. Use the emphasis form to create new or edit existing emphasis and options and submit those proposals for approval.
An emphasis is an alternative within a major, that is secondary and supports or is adjunct to the major. Normally accounts for 20 to 40 percent of the major requirements.
An option is an alternative within a major that is secondary, and supports or is adjunct to the major course work. Normally accounts for 50 percent of the major requirements.
Find And View Emphasis
Find Emphasis

Search for an existing emphasis that you want to make changes to or create a new emphasis. See Filtered Search for more details.
Viewing a Emphasis Record
Record Banner
The emphasis title is displayed in the record banner. You can tell visually by the color of the banner what the status is for the record. If a future version of the emphasis has been approved you can toggle to view it using the arrows next to the term. See Record Statuses and Proposal Statuses for more details.
Emphasis Information