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In the Misconduct Process?

Academic Misconduct Process, Overview

Please ensure you are signed into your account, then click the link to download a supplementary visual quick-guide to the academic misconduct process for students. Optional help-documents like this suggest approaches and an overview for navigating the academic misconduct process. In cases where there appears to be difference between help-documents and the Student Code of Conduct, the Student Code of Conduct governs as the authoritative source and origination for procedures. The most comprehensive source is still the Student Code of Conduct.

Student Guide to Navigating the Academic Misconduct Process

Academic Misconduct Process, Detailed Information

Click the links for detailed information on defining academic misconduct, the academic misconduct process, and the Student Code of Conduct (UP 2020).

Student Code of Conduct Appeals

A student who has been found responsible for academic misconduct by a faculty member has the right to appeal on specific grounds within 10 university business days. Students might also choose to engage the Respondent Advisor Program (link). For details on appealing, please read Student Code of Conduct, Section 9: Appeals (link).

Appeal Submission Requirements

Appeals can be submitted to the Office of the Dean of Students front desk or via email An appeal submission must include:

  • Completed Student Conduct Appeal form (pdf) with hand signature (also available at the Office of the Dean of Students website [link]);
  • A 3-5 page written statement outlining the student’s reason for appealing as selected on the appeal form;
  • Within the student’s 10 university business day appeal deadline.

This overview of information is not meant to replace your reading of Section 9: Appeals inside the Student Code of Conduct.


Student Code of Conduct, University Policy 2020 (link)

Faculty Responsibility to Address Student Academic Misconduct, University Policy 4180 (link)