Getting Started with Financial Transactions
Getting Started
What do I need to know before getting started?
- Employees responsible for coding financial transactions should use existing tools and resources to ensure the accuracy of financial reporting.
- A funding segment string is a combination of eight segments used to code financial transactions.
- Review the funding segment string video to learn more about the eight segments.
- Review the Funding Segment String Overview, Budget Segment String Overview, and Project (POET) Segment String Overview resources for additional information about different types of segment strings.
- The All Segment Values Report contains description, status, and use for each segment.
- The Segment Maintenance Form is used to request a new, or make changes to an existing, segment value.
- Cross-Validation Rules are used to identify which segments correspond with different units and departments on campus.
- Visit the List of Terms to learn more about common terms used by Administrative Accounting.
Training Opportunities
Check out University Financials 101 to learn more about the All Segment Values Report and funding segment strings.
What documents should I be aware of?
The Hierarchies for Reporting tool identifies the node/roll-up for each segment value. Roll-up values may be used to run financial reports for all related activity that falls under the roll-up value.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I request a new payroll combination?
Submit the request via Payroll Account Combination Request spreadsheet.
How do I choose an expense or revenue account for a transaction?
Use the All Segment Values Report. Click on the Account tab to see a list of all expense and revenue accounts and their descriptions.v
How do I correct a financial transaction?
Visit the Financial Correction Transaction webpage for detailed information or see the Correcting Entry Matrix.
Best Practices
Refer to the All Segment Values Report before submitting a request for a new segment value to inform your decision on the segment you’re requesting.
For questions related to the segment values reach out to