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Boise State Affiliates

Boise State University recognizes certain associations to be a part of the Boise State Community and these are considered affiliates.

When purchasing a membership, individuals must have a current and valid affiliation. Otherwise, Campus Recreation has the right to cancel a membership with no refund.


Boise State Affiliates


Individuals associated with Boise State University as board or advisory committee members, VIPs, contractors, volunteers, legislators, employees of agencies under the auspices of the State Board of Education, and who are not University employees or students.

Affiliates requesting Rec Center services must have the sponsoring department on campus complete a Request for Approval of Visitor and Affiliate Status and Services form.

Affiliates and Visitor Form


Affiliates must bring their Boise State affiliate ID card to purchase their membership and access the Rec Center.


Term (Fall/Spring): $189

Term (Summer): $119

30-days: $50

5 Multi-Visits: $35

10 Multi-Visits: $60