Surface Science Lab (SSL)
Lab Location
Boise State University
Boise, Idaho
Lab Director
Dr. Paul H. Davis
Office: (208) 426-2091
Lab: (208) 426-5604
Expertise & Research
The following work can be done at the nano scale- nanoscale topographical mapping and surface roughness analysis; electrical, magnetic, and nanomechanical properties characterization and mapping; fluid imaging; nanoindentation, nanomanipulation, and nanolithography.
Available SPM modes include MFM (magnetic force microscopy), EFM (electric force microscopy) and KPFM (Kelvin probe force microscopy), CAFM/TUNA (conductive AFM/tunneling AFM), SCM (scanning capacitance microscopy), EC-AFM (electrochemical AFM) and SECM (scanning electrochemical microscopy), and PFM (piezoforce microscopy).
The characterization techniques/modes (e.g., topography, electrical and magnetic properties, etc.) can be carried out in air, fluid, or an inert atmosphere.
Scheduling & Contracting Work
The client and the lab manager will first discuss the nature of the work. If it is a good is a good fit for the lab, a quote will be provided. The client will then work directly with the lab manager for scheduling and will be invoiced for the work after it is completed.
Table of Assets
The following table provides information on the specific manufacturers and models of each instrument, as well as their primary applications in materials characterization