The King Beard contest was put on as part of Homecoming Festivities, and was first held at Boise College some time in the 1940s. Leading up to Homecoming, students would grow out a beard in the hopes of being crowed “King Beard.” The students participating would have to register at a designated shave station, where a female attendant would provide them with a clean shave using an old fashioned straight razor so that all participants could start the contest on equal footing. The event was sponsored by the Valkyries, a women’s service group on campus, and the sorority Tri Delta in later years. Fullness, length, and originality were all relevant factors for judging. The winner would earn a small gift certificate. Prizes sometimes also included concert tickets and free beer. Secondary categories were sometimes included in the contest. In 1979, students could compete for “Largest Beard,” “Western Beard,” “Baby Face,” and “Best Broom.”
Arbiter: November 20, 1973. October 31, 1979.
Boise College Roundup: October 28, 1965.
Roundup: October 30, 1956.
Written by Rachel Taylor, Summer 2019 intern