Tau Kappa Epsilon has been a social fraternity where members strive to make lasting friends on the Boise State campus since 1969. Their current mission is to aid men in their mental, moral, and social development for life.
Past activities included:
- Annual Red Cross Blood Drawing
- Annual Spring Raft Race
- Frisbee and Keg throwing contest
Current activities are:
- Teke or Treat Dance
- Egg A Teke
- Balloon A Monster
- TKE Fundraiser
In the 1970’s, Tau Kappa Epsilon’s philanthropic focus was the Red Cross. During their annual blood drive in 1971, they drew 200 pints of blood.
Their current philanthropic focus is St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
For a more in depth history and current news, visit their facebook page.
Written by Annika Severts, Spring 2018 intern